I told God “No” but He Had Other Plans

I told God “No” but He Had Other Plans

March 03, 20254 min read

I told God “No” but He Had Other Plans

Dear Sisterfriend,

I see you. I know the weight you carry, the joy you feel, and the sacrifices you make. You pour yourself out daily, loving, serving, and leading, often in ways unseen by others. Some days are fulfilling and beautiful, filled with the deep satisfaction of knowing you are right where God wants you. Other days are heavy, lonely, and filled with questions you’re afraid to voice. But through it all, there is a sacred calling on your life—a calling that is both demanding and rewarding, stretching and strengthening, painful and precious. You are not alone on this journey, and my prayer is that these words will encourage, uplift, and remind you why this calling is worth it.

I never planned on being a pastor’s wife. In fact, I told God outright that I didn’t want to marry a pastor. That life didn’t fit into my dreams or the vision I had for my future. But God, in His infinite wisdom and grace, had a different plan. Over the course of several years, He lovingly transformed my heart. And when I finally surrendered my will for His perfect will, I discovered a calling greater than anything I could have imagined.

Since that moment, I have never doubted that ministry is where I’m meant to be. I have pursued it with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. But let me be honest—this journey has been anything but easy.

An Unlikely Love Story

Only a few months after I said “yes” to God’s plan, He brought Sam into my life. Our love story was orchestrated by His hand, but that didn’t mean it was effortless. Marriage alone is an adventure, but ministry marriage? It’s a whole different level.

Our first few years were filled with learning curves, challenges, and the delicate work of knitting two lives together while also navigating the demands of full-time ministry. There were moments of joy and triumph, but also seasons of exhaustion, heartache, and uncertainty. Ministry isn’t just a job—it’s a life we build together, for better or worse.

The Beautiful Paradox of Ministry

Ministry is both exhilarating and exhausting. It is a paradox of deep joy and profound struggle. Just like the changing seasons, our experiences fluctuate between overwhelming gratitude and unbearable burden.

We have celebrated new marriages and mourned broken covenants. We’ve rejoiced at the birth of babies and grieved over children’s illnesses. We’ve witnessed miraculous healings and stood by families in their darkest losses. We’ve cheered on new believers, only to see some walk away from their faith.

One day, ministry fills our hearts to overflowing. The next, it leaves us on our knees, questioning if we have the strength to continue. We are uplifted by those we serve, and at times, deeply wounded by the same people. We’ve felt the weight of financial strain and the relief of unexpected provision. We’ve had sleepless nights from excitement—and sleepless nights from worry.

Sometimes, ministry feels like a roller coaster, with thrilling highs and stomach-dropping lows. But through it all, one truth remains: God is faithful.

The Call That Sustains Us

Whenever the weight of ministry feels too heavy, I remind myself of this: Out of the 3.7 billion women in the world, God chose me—and He chose you—to be part of this sisterhood called “pastor’s wife.” We are not here by accident. We are part of His master plan, entrusted with the gifts, talents, and abilities to impact His Kingdom.

There have been days when I’ve questioned the cost of this calling, but I have never questioned the call itself. Because the truth is, we cannot outrun the call of God. “To this He called you through our gospel, so you may share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 2:14) It is God who calls us—and it is God who sustains us.

The joys of ministry and marriage far outweigh the struggles. The victories far exceed the defeats. And the beauty of God’s plan outshines every hardship we endure. When we surrender to His will, He empowers us for a life of purpose, impact, and transformation.

What a call. What a life. What an adventure! And what a privilege it is to walk this road, knowing that the God who called us is the same God who walks beside us every step of the way. We are never alone, never forsaken, and never without His strength. No matter the challenges ahead, we can face them with confidence, knowing that His plans are good, His purposes are sure, and His grace is always sufficient. So, let’s press on with joy, with faith, and with unwavering trust in the One who has called us, knowing that the best is yet to come!

With love and encouragement,

susan signature


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Susan is a passionate minister, speaker, and advocate for pastors’ wives and women in church ministry. After years in the corporate world, she answered God’s call to serve alongside her husband, Sam, at Celebration Church. With a background in Human Resources and a Master’s in Education and Human Development, Susan blends practical wisdom with deep faith. She finds joy in both life’s mountaintops and valleys, trusting God’s guidance through it all. When she’s not ministering, she enjoys bike riding, traveling, and collecting Starbucks mugs.

Susan Belisle

Susan is a passionate minister, speaker, and advocate for pastors’ wives and women in church ministry. After years in the corporate world, she answered God’s call to serve alongside her husband, Sam, at Celebration Church. With a background in Human Resources and a Master’s in Education and Human Development, Susan blends practical wisdom with deep faith. She finds joy in both life’s mountaintops and valleys, trusting God’s guidance through it all. When she’s not ministering, she enjoys bike riding, traveling, and collecting Starbucks mugs.

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